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Interactive database for the kinetics of the gas-phase atmospheric reactions of organic compounds available

The database for the kinetics of the gas-phase atmospheric reactions of organic compounds is a freely available, digital and searchable compilation of evaluated rate constants of gas-phase reactions of organic compounds with OH, Cl, and NO3 radicals and with O3 at atmospheric pressure. This includes recommendations for rate constants at 298K and their temperature dependences […]

DOI available

The existing datasets have now a DOI! And when a new dataset is created and public, a DOI is automatically generated.

PyACPIM available

Developed by NCAS-MAN, PyACPIM is a cloud parcel model including detailed, binned cloud microphysics. It is based on the underlying science of the Aerosol‐Cloud‐Precipitation‐Interactions Model, (Connolly et al, 2012). PyACPIM has been specifically designed to aid the understanding of experiments conducted in cloud chambers. The model comes with a graphical user interface which allows easy […]
